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Health: International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH) v. France

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Case summary

The complaint, lodged on 3 March 2003, referred to Articles 13 (the right to social and medical assistance), 17 (the right of children and young persons to social, legal and economic protection) and Article E of the Revised European Social Charter (prohibition of all forms of discrimination in the application of the rights guaranteed by the treaty).  The complaint related to recent reforms of the «Aide médicale de l’Etat» (State medical assistance) and to the «Couverture maladie universelle» (Universal sickness cover) which it claimed deprived a large number of adults and children with insufficient resources of the right to medical assistance. The European Committee of Social Rights declared the complaint admissible on 16 May 2003. The European Committee of Social Rights concluded that there was a violation of Article 17 and transmitted its decision on the merits of the complaint to the Parties and to the Committee of Ministers on 3 November 2004. The Committee of Ministers adopted Resolution ResChS(2005)6 on 4 May 2005. Language English Organisation: European Committee of Social Rights RegionalCRC Article:  Article 2: Non-discrimination Article 24: Health and health services Case lawCited CRCs:  Article 2: Non-discrimination Article 24: Health and health servicesRelated  European Social Charter (revised) France CRIN does not accredit or validate any of the organisations listed in our directory. The views and activities of the listed organisations do not necessarily reflect the views or activities of CRIN’s coordination team.