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Habeas Corpus 86.289-6 – Goiás

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Court/Judicial body: Supreme Federal Court of Brazil
Date: June 6, 2006 CRC
Provisions: Article 34: Sexual exploitation
Domestic provisions: Code of Children and Adolescents, Article 241 Brazilian Criminal Code, Article 218

Case summary

Background: A man was convicted of publishing and promoting child pornography on the internet in violation of Article 241 of the Code of Children and Adolescents and sentenced to 7 years in prison by a federal court. He appealed, alleging that the federal courts were not competent to convict him on an international matter for a solely national crime.

Issue and resolution: Child pornography. The Court upheld the conviction as lawful, noting that publishing child pornography on the internet makes it available around the world.

Court reasoning: Publishing child pornography is a form of child sexual exploitation and a clear violation of both Article 34 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Brazilian federal legislation. The CRC makes clear that child pornography is a matter of international concern, and domestic criminal law is clear on the meaning of the word “publish”, which must be interpreted to account for advances in technology.
Excerpt citing CRC and other relevant human rights instrumentsas in full-text Portuguese decision:Opinion of Marco Aurélio: Se se potencializar o artigo 34 da Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança, adotada pela Assembléia-Geral das Nações Unidas, em 20 de novembro de 1989, desprezando o que está na Carta da República, para concluir-se pela competência da Justiça Federal, e não da Justiça comum, que, normalmente, há de atuar em crimes tais que não se enquadrem no preceito, terei de assentar que a apreciação de todo e qualquer crime cometido contra a criança incumbirá doravante à Justiça Federal. Presidente, para mim, a referência, na norma constitucional, a crime previsto em tratado é específica e – repito – a Convenção apenas direciona os países convenentes a adotarem medidas visando a proteger a criança. Mais do que isso, vislumbro, na parte final do dispositivo, a necessidade de envolvimento de ato, a compr o tipo penal, verificado no Brasil ou no exterior, e a respectiva consumação no estrangeiro ou neste País. (pp. 311-12)

CRIN comments: CRIN believes this decision is consistent with the CRC, as Article 34 of the Convention makes clear that all forms of child sexual exploitation, including child pornography, are matters of both international and national concern. In addition, as recognised by the Court, laws prohibiting the publication of child pornography should be updated and interpreted to account for advances in technology.

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